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Natural Diet || Health RopHor

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Individuals frequently ask what constitutes a natural diet for humans. Many fad diets promise incredible benefits and make the claim that they may connect us to our primordial nature. Let's examine more closely at what our bodies actually require.

Plant-based diets have been the mainstay of human evolution. We are perfectly adapted to consuming fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains, much like our primate forebears and other apes. Throughout our evolutionary history, humans have consumed animals and their eggs, but those were only supplements to our diet. Throughout our existence, plants—their fruit, leaves, seeds, nuts, and roots—have been our main source of daily energy and nutrition.

"The mainstays were plants. In most situations, these were the items that provided the majority of our calories. Associate professor Amanda Henry is a paleobiologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands.

Our digestive systems gradually shortened to make room for the improved availability of some nutrients that people began to prepare, grind, and ferment. But because our intestines are still too lengthy to handle meat efficiently (causing it to rot), eating a diet high in meat increases our chance to acquire a number of major health problems, including colon cancer. 

Our failure to control blood cholesterol is another indication that we have not evolved to consume an animal-based diet. Animal products raise blood cholesterol levels and cause sticky plaques to build up in our arteries over time, which can be fatal if consumed in excess. When researchers reconstructed many iterations of our ancestral meals and served them to participants , the completely plant-based diet was more effective in lowering cholesterol than contemporary drugs!

It is obvious from several bodily characteristics that people are not predators: our molars are square and flattened to crush and ground food, and our canines are short and blunt; human jaws move sideways, unlike those of carnivores, and we have soft fingernails instead of sharp claws. Additionally, the enzyme amylase, which aids in the digestion of starchy carbohydrates, is found in human saliva.

Although proponents of meat consumption adore the hypothesis, some claim that consuming meat is what caused our brains to become larger. A more credible argument suggests that the evolution of the human brain was fueled by improved food supply, which included farming and cooking, as well as the emergence of cooperative social structures, or communities where people helped one another and collaborated.

It should go without saying that we are not allowed to drink milk after weaning; all other animals only ever sip their mother's milk as their first meal and never after. And never milk from another species! Similar to other animals, the majority of humans gradually lose their capacity to digest lactose, or milk sugar, throughout childhood; worldwide, over 70% of adults suffer from lactose intolerance. Due to genetic alterations that happened many millennia ago in Europe, Central Asia, and Africa and propagated across the populations, certain people can digest lactose as adults. This indicates that there are lots of people of European descent, such as the white populations of North America and Australia, Most individuals from Asia, South America, Australia, and Africa cannot digest lactose; ingesting it causes them severe digestive discomfort and illness (8). However, certain people of African descent and some Asian groups can. It is quite typical for adults to be unable to digest lactose because it was never designed for them to require lactation.

Some have questioned the naturalness of a vegan diet, considering the need for vitamin B12. Historically, unwashed plants were the source of this vitamin for both humans and animals, as it is naturally derived from soil microbes. When we wash fresh food, we do more than just that. 

(and with good cause), but food manufacturing is now so cleanly done that B12 is totally eliminated. Even the B12 organisms in the soil are lacking. These contemporary methods of production result in the requirement for B12 supplements. The majority of animals raised for food also receive B12 supplementation, which is how the vitamin ultimately finds ways into their meat.

Since evolution built us to be plant-based beings, a vegan diet makes perfect sense for us. In fact, current nutrition research confirms that the more plant-based our diets are, the healthier we are. There is nothing like a vegan diet to provide all of our nutritional demands and enable us to thrive!

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